Spot the Similar Birds in this Picture

Optical illusions have become very popular as people are eager to solve them. These illusions captivate the internet audience by confusing their minds.

Spot the Similar Birds in this Picture

Optical illusions have become very popular as people are eager to solve them. These illusions captivate the internet audience by confusing their minds. They provide insights into hidden personality traits, IQ levels, and observational skills. We have a particular optical illusion to share with you that might leave you puzzled. An Instagram page called Optical Illusions posted a picture with the caption, "Which two numbers?"

This visual trickery has transcended cultural and generational boundaries, attracting people from all walks of life. Optical illusions are puzzles that manipulate our perceptions, challenging our peripheral vision. The picture depicts 12 birds perched on two wires. Some birds are sitting upright, while others have closed their eyes. Some birds are even looking at each other. Out of all the birds, only two are similar to each other. Your task is to find those two birds. The photo was accompanied by the question, "Which two birds are the same?"

Now, let's begin. Take your time to carefully observe the picture. Each bird has a number on top of it, and these numbers can be helpful in finding the solution. Concentrate on the features of each bird, such as their eyes, feathers, and colors. With a keen observation, you will be able to solve it. If you couldn't guess it, here's a hint: the two similar birds are not in the same row. Another hint is that these birds are looking straight. With these clues, you should be able to figure out the answer. If you're still unsure, don't worry, many users struggled too. Some users made guesses, but only a few got it right. The correct answer is birds number 5 and 8.

Take a closer look. Both birds number 5 and 8 are looking straight and have a similar number of feathers on their tails and heads. They even have similar colors.

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