Invasion of Crickets Hits Small Town in Nevada

An invasion is happening in parts of Nevada, but it's not by aliens or body-snatchers. It's actually swarms of crickets, specifically Mormon crickets

Invasion of Crickets Hits Small Town in Nevada

An invasion is happening in parts of Nevada, but it's not by aliens or body-snatchers. It's actually swarms of crickets, specifically Mormon crickets. These creepy-crawlies have taken over the town of Elko, covering everything from roads to houses, causing a lot of frustration for the residents. The crickets make a rain-like sound when they drop from wherever they're hanging onto. It's not dirt or leaves on the roads, but thousands and thousands of these insects. They've even become a problem for emergency services, requiring leaf blowers, brooms, and even a tractor with a snowplow to clear the way for hospital access. Jeff Knight, the state entomologist of Nevada, explained that while these cricket swarms are not uncommon in the region, they're becoming more noticeable as human populations expand into previously untouched areas. Unfortunately, there's not much the people of Elko can do except tolerate the situation and wait for the crickets to move on.

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