Pizza Delivery Guy Gets Surprise from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A video is going viral, showing a pizza delivery guy getting a surprise from a group dressed as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Pizza Delivery Guy Gets Surprise from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A video is going viral, showing a pizza delivery guy getting a surprise from a group dressed as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In the video, the delivery man smiles and laughs when the Ninja Turtles open the door, asking for their pizza. He places the pizza boxes aside and hurries to his car to grab his phone, recording the unexpected encounter. Heidi Mittleider and Fred Krueger, two of the Turtles, shared the video on Instagram, garnering over a hundred thousand likes. People praised the fun surprise and commended the pizza delivery guy for being a good sport. One comment mentioned the importance of having fun in life.

In a similar incident in June in New York, a video showed a pizza delivery man tossing a pizza box to construction workers on a lift. The video, shared by Majically News on Instagram, highlighted the determination and improvisation involved in the unique food delivery. Commenters were amazed at the skills displayed by both the construction workers and the delivery agent.

Regarding the Ninja Turtles' surprise, an Instagram user expressed the pressure they would have felt in making such a throw, while another humorously compared it to the Turtles getting pizza in the sewers.

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